v e r s a t i l e / Phase II
Experienced the hard times we were all gone through last year, following by the time of epidemic ; Although the quarantine practice forced us to stop, it offers me a quality time of self-reflection and gave me an answer about one of the definitions of the Hong Kong Spirit; 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞 ‘s born.
Phase II,
the action or process of discovering or being discovered.
Explore the Collection: v e r s a t i l e
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Editor & Creative Direction: Jacqueline Ng
Film Photography: Felix Lam
Assistant: Bao
Product Shooting: Jacqueline Ng
Art Direction: Jacqueline Ng, Felix Lam, Jackie Poon
Stylist: Jacqueline Ng
Hair: Jackie Poon
Model: Tiffany Chan, Vivien Ng, Tiffany Lau, Plato, Hei
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