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五款農曆新年穿搭包袋MUST HAVE!

五款農曆新年穿搭包袋MUST HAVE!

五個為您精心挑選的紅色新年包包! 慶祝農曆新年。  傳統大紅色以外的品味之選! 選擇 不 同 的 紅 色 調 ,展現你獨特的風格。  由可愛翰輕便的Little BAO 2.0 可機洗斜挎包到浪漫的Heart Purse Crossbody WOC、幾何現代感的Half Moon Pouch、極簡的Normcore 2.1雙拉鍊斜揹包到特大好用的Workmate Tote;為你準備了各種選擇,以時尚的方式慶祝農曆新年。 立即用TAT的包包提升你的農曆新年造型! 

五款農曆新年穿搭包袋MUST HAVE!

五個為您精心挑選的紅色新年包包! 慶祝農曆新年。  傳統大紅色以外的品味之選! 選擇 不 同 的 紅 色 調 ,展現你獨特的風格。  由可愛翰輕便的Little BAO 2.0 可機洗斜挎包到浪漫的Heart Purse Crossbody WOC、幾何現代感的Half Moon Pouch、極簡的Normcore 2.1雙拉鍊斜揹包到特大好用的Workmate Tote;為你準備了各種選擇,以時尚的方式慶祝農曆新年。 立即用TAT的包包提升你的農曆新年造型! 

5 Stylish Bags for Chinese New Year Celebrations

5 Stylish Bags for Chinese New Year Celebrations

Discover five picks red bags that will elevate your Chinese New Year celebrations. Step beyond traditional Chinese red and express your unique style with various shades of red. From the...

5 Stylish Bags for Chinese New Year Celebrations

Discover five picks red bags that will elevate your Chinese New Year celebrations. Step beyond traditional Chinese red and express your unique style with various shades of red. From the...

傳統工藝與現代設計的完美融合 ── TAT 與 SOU・SOU 的全新合作

傳統工藝與現代設計的完美融合 ── TAT 與 SOU・SOU 的全新合作

TAT x SOU・SOU 聯名系列—東西方文化的完美交融 創意與文化的交流總是能激盪出無限火花。TAT一直以來以玩味和簡約風格贏得了廣泛的讚譽。今次激動地宣報將與日本當代品牌SOU・SOU攜手合作,推出全新聯名系列,展現東西方文化的精彩交融。這不僅是設計的相遇,更是靈感與美學的碰撞。 一起來探索這一充滿藝術感的包包系列,感受TAT和SOU・SOU如何用設計為日常生活增添獨特魅力吧!

傳統工藝與現代設計的完美融合 ── TAT 與 SOU・SOU 的全新合作

TAT x SOU・SOU 聯名系列—東西方文化的完美交融 創意與文化的交流總是能激盪出無限火花。TAT一直以來以玩味和簡約風格贏得了廣泛的讚譽。今次激動地宣報將與日本當代品牌SOU・SOU攜手合作,推出全新聯名系列,展現東西方文化的精彩交融。這不僅是設計的相遇,更是靈感與美學的碰撞。 一起來探索這一充滿藝術感的包包系列,感受TAT和SOU・SOU如何用設計為日常生活增添獨特魅力吧!

TAT x SOU・SOU: A Fusion of Cultures Through Innovative Design

TAT x SOU・SOU: A Fusion of Cultures Through Inn...

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the renowned Japanese brand SOU・SOU, showcasing a unique fusion of Eastern cultures. This exclusive collection of lifestyle accessories blends playful minimalism with...

TAT x SOU・SOU: A Fusion of Cultures Through Inn...

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the renowned Japanese brand SOU・SOU, showcasing a unique fusion of Eastern cultures. This exclusive collection of lifestyle accessories blends playful minimalism with...

【 Sense of … 】 POP-UP 期間限定店

【 Sense of … 】 POP-UP 期間限定店

 2023年2月,TAT 將會進駐中環 SOHO 士丹頓街Cabinet of Stories開設限定店:以【Sense of …】為主題,用感觀帶領大家展開浪漫二月之旅。  藉著空氣中瀰漫的愛意,融和於sense of ;一起放慢腳步,重新感受。  Open your senses. Feel the love in the air. 

【 Sense of … 】 POP-UP 期間限定店

 2023年2月,TAT 將會進駐中環 SOHO 士丹頓街Cabinet of Stories開設限定店:以【Sense of …】為主題,用感觀帶領大家展開浪漫二月之旅。  藉著空氣中瀰漫的愛意,融和於sense of ;一起放慢腳步,重新感受。  Open your senses. Feel the love in the air. 



  COVID-19 UPDATE   Everything is abnormal but we are going through this all together. We are very grateful that TAT can safely look after the brand through our online...


  COVID-19 UPDATE   Everything is abnormal but we are going through this all together. We are very grateful that TAT can safely look after the brand through our online...